Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Nurture Side of the Debate

Now for the nurture side of the debate, it is obvious that there are some genetics involved with a person’s intelligence levels. However several people will debate that the influence of these genetic factors fails in comparison to that of the influence of environment. Psychological researchers of the subject claim that variables such as a parent’s education, available resourses and educational reading play the largest role in determining a person’s level of intelligence. Statistics shown in a study conducted by Lewis Terman that one fourth of every gifted child had a parent who graduated from college (30). Studies show that the parents of the gifted children had completed more than twice as much education as the average adult (Terman 30). Proving that a large portion of a person’s intelligence is greatly influenced by the environment in which they are surrounded. Having parents that attended college would increase the likelihood of having educational resources at a childs disposal, therefore increasing the chances of attending schools of higher academic standards.